Welcome to the website for St Ives, Cambridgeshire where you will be able to find the information you need about our wonderful town.
The Home page contains details of events, concerts and festivals as well as important notices.
The About St Ives button gives you a whole host of important information. This includes how to take a river trip, the location of toilets, doctors surgeries, where you can stay and much more.
Details of how to travel to and from St Ives can be found under the Travel Info button.
The history page gives you information about how St Ives developed into the popular town it is today and some of the interesting facts about our heritage.
There are four buttons which link to other important websites:
The Corn Exchange is the town’s main community centre and hosts many groups and has a programme of fairs and concerts.
The Town Council website is where you can find the official information about the town and contact local councillors.
Our St Ives is a site where you can see information about clubs, restaurants, shops and businesses and other interesting community information.
The Norris Museum website has details about its programme of classes, tours and exhibitions.
This website is provided by St Ives Town Team which is a community group dedicated to promoting St Ives.
If you want to contact us please send an email to:
To contact the Chairman email: chairman@stivescambridgeshire.co.uk
For financial matters please email:
You can also visit our Old Riverport Jazz and Blues Festival Facebook page
Click the image below to read the history of the St Ives bandstand
Click on the image above to read the Town Team's response to the HDC St. Ives Vision (Masterplan) document.
Click on the image above to read the Town Team's vision for the town.
This Vision of St Ives was prepared by the Town Team following responses from traders and the public to a questionnaire in 2019.
We are re-issuing an updated version following the Masterplan proposals from HDC which have been criticised. This report makes suggestions, which we believe can be used to aid a discussion about what improvements the people of St Ives would like to see. This document was produce at no cost to St Ives taxpayers.
St. Ives Cambridgeshire Cambs.